Academic advisor: Dr. Carmela Lutmar

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Studying International Relations provides a 360-degree view of the challenges shaping our global landscape and an immersive journey into the multifaceted world of global politics, economics, culture, and governance. Our ever-changing interconnected world is greatly impacted by this unique study topic, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between nations, economies, and societies.


The University of Haifa's School of Political Sciences in collaboration with the Institute of International Relations at the University of Warsaw, offer a unique opportunity to acquire a double-accredited degree in International Relations. Our students spend two study semesters at each institution respectively, focus on international collaborative diplomatic mechanisms, challenges and solutions, and produce a written thesis supervised by one lecturer from Haifa and one from Warsaw.


Our program aims to:

  • ​ Provide students with new insights, concepts, and analytical tools to understand and address complex challenges and functions of diplomacy in an international setting.
  • Train students to generate effective solutions for a wide range of contemporary political, cultural, and economic issues.
  • Offer students broad international experience both in the Middle East and in Europe.

Two Degrees, Two Years:

Our 2-year thesis-track international Master's program (track 201) is taught in English; the first year in Haifa and the second in Warsaw. By the end of second year students must submit the final thesis under supervision of two lecturers: one from the Department of International Relations in Warsaw University and one from the Division of International Relations in Haifa University. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded a Master of Arts in International Relations from both the University of Haifa and from the University of Warsaw.

Admissions Requirements:

  • A minimum of 3.0 GPA, 80% (B) (Israeli system) or equivalent in all undergraduate classes
  • Mastery of the English Language
  • GMAT if applicable

To read more about this program – please press here.

Contact us:

Program Coordinator: Noa Avraham

E-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone: 04-8240561

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foreign students application


Curriculum & Credits:

  • The first year at UHaifa International is divided into three semesters with a total of 60 European Credits (ECTS), consisting of 6 Courses : 4 core and 2 elective.
  • The second year in Warsaw is divided into two semesters and 12 Courses, which make for 60 ECTS: 27 ECTS - obligatory modules, 03 ECTS - general elective modules and 30 ECTS - restricted choice modules
  • The Thesis Research Paper makes for the program's final assignment
  • During the first year Dual Degree program students will be required to write at least one seminar paper (20-30 pages each).

Core courses

  • Research Methods
  • Ethics, War and Diplomacy
  • Theories of Diplomacy
  • Arab Israeli Conflict
  • Diplomacy and Communication
  • Selected Issues in Israel`s Foreign and Defense Policy 1948-2020
  • Diplomatic Simulation
  • The Digital Revolution: from Humans to robot

Elective Courses:

  • Building Consensus: Basic negotiation, Mediation and Facilitation Skills
  • Community Conflict and Civil War
  • Theories and Issues in Intergroup Conflict:A Multi-disciplinary perspective
  • Recent developments in peace and conflict studies
  • Community Conflict and Civil War
  • Paths to Peace: Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
  • Relational Approaches to Conflict Engagement: Theory and Practice

Academic Leadership:

Dr. Carmela Lutmar:

Dr. Carmela Lutmar is the Chair of the International Relations Division at the School of Political Sciences at the University of Haifa, and a research fellow at the Chaikin Chair for Geostrategy. She holds a Master's Degree in Peace Studies from the University of Notre Dame, and completed her doctoral studies at New York University (2004). Dr. Lutmar was a research fellow and lecturer at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University (2005-2009). Her areas of research include leadership, regime change, mediation in civil wars and post-war governance in war torn countries. Her major publications include several books and numerous articles in scientific journals.

Dr. Valerie Isaak

Dr. Valerie Isaak is an academic researcher, senior organizational consultant and head of the Master's Programs Division at the University of Haifa School of Political Science. She holds a Bachelor's degree in political science, sociology, and anthropology, a Master's in political science specializing in internal and public auditing, and a PhD in political science, where she researched the field of Organizational Excellence.

An expert in the fields of work teams and organizational effectiveness, she provides professional consulting to government organizations, including the Israeli Ministry of Defense and various Medical Centers.

Throughout her professional career, Dr. Isaak has worked with the Council for Higher Education in a diverse range of community projects.  Among them, she led the 'Age-Friendly City Project', a community project in accordance with the World Health Organization model.

Dr. Isaak has received several grants from The Gartner Institute for Health Policy Research and has been awarded an excellent lecturer recognition by the University of Haifa.

Application Documents:

  • Official transcript of BA degree and copy of undergraduate diploma that includes the date and degree type awarded    
  • Personal Statement (Motivational Letter) -approximately 500 words
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resumé
  • Medical forms

Scholarship Options:

As a diverse University committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we're passionate of doing everything in our power to promote affordable, equal-opportunity, quality higher education, by offering versatile scholarships and funding options. We encourage you to read about these options, choose what suits you best and let us know how we can further help you in this important matter.

Please note that you can apply for a scholarship only after acceptance to the program.

{לשים כאן קישור לאתר ביה"ס הבינלאומי – מידע על מלגות.}