In today's complex world, where societal issues are multifaceted, understanding how policies are formulated, implemented, and managed is vital. 21st century challenges, such as economic inequality, healthcare access, environmental sustainability, and more, cannot be addressed without a broad perspective on public policy. By designing and implementing policies that positively influence societies and foster efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity in governance, future leaders are empowered to drive impactful change. This calls for a new set of tools for the next generation of policy makers, government officials, and public administrators, to lead us effectively in to the future.

Our international MPA program specializing in Public Administration, Public Management and Policy Studies addresses the public sector's complex dynamic challenges with effective and innovative tools and solutions. Its offers the necessary state of the art knowledge and skills to incorporate public policymaking and management skills on economic, social, and political levels.

In today’s disruptive reality, the public sector must constantly address complex dynamic challenges with effective and innovative tools and solutions.

Program Highlights

Leveraging the Israeli public policy experience to increase the learning benchmark for future decision makers and policy designers who will gain a wide range of knowledge and tools to address today’s economic, social, and political challenges, including:

  • Local and global economic-political analysis.
  • Strategic management in disruptive environments.
  • Policy challenges related to cyber-security, immigration, climate, finance, and trade.
  • Leadership, management, and ethics in policy making.
  • Academic tours, guest lecturers, and round-table seminars.

One Year, One Degree

Our one-year international master’s program is taught in English over three consecutive semesters from October through September. Graduates will be awarded a Master of Public Administration (MPA), specialization in the field of Public Administration, Public Management and Policy Studies.

Admissions Requirements:

  • A minimum of 3.0 GPA, 80% (B) (Israeli system) or equivalent in all undergraduate classes
  • Mastery of the English Language
  • Managerial Experience

Contact us:

Program Coordinator: Noa Avraham

e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone: 04-8240561


israeli students application

foreign students application


Curriculum & Credits:

The International MPA program consists of a total of 36 credits, including a final project, two seminars and the following mandatory courses:

  • Research workshop
  • Approaches to Public Administration and Management
  • Policy Analysis
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Local Government
  • Political Economy
  • Policy Analysis - Writing Position Paper
  • Ethics and Corruption
  • Decision making, bargaining and conflict resolution

* This curriculum is updated to 2023-24 and is subject to change without notice

Academic Leadership

Prof. Eran Vigoda-Gadot:

Prof. Eran Vigoda-Gadot is an expert in Public Administration and Management, Political Science and Governance. He is also the founder of the Center for Public Management and Policy (CPMP) at the University of Haifa's School of Political Science.

With major expertise in Public Administration, Public Management, and Organizational Behavior Vigoda-Gadot is the author and coauthor of over 170 articles and book chapters, 12 books and symposiums.

He received his Ph.D. from the University of Haifa (1998) and developed his research in a large range of universities in Europe and North America where he worked as a visiting professor. These include Britain (Chevening Scholarship), Ireland (National University-Cork - Department of Government), Canada (McGill University - Desautels Faculty of Management), the USA (University of Georgia - Department of Public Administration & Policy, Harvard Kennedy School - Ash Center for Democratic Governance & Innovation, University of Massachusetts, Boston - McCormack Center for Public Management), and Belgioum (KU Leuven -Public Governance Institute).

Dr. Valerie Isaak

Dr. Valerie Isaak is an academic researcher, senior organizational consultant and head of the Master's Programs Division at the University of Haifa’s School of Political Science. She holds a Bachelor's degree in political science, sociology, and anthropology, a Master's in political science specializing in internal and public auditing, and a PhD in political science, where she researched the field of Organizational Excellence.

An expert in the fields of work teams and organizational effectiveness, she provides professional consulting to government organizations, including the Israeli Ministry of Defense and various Medical Centers.

Throughout her professional career, Dr. Isaak has worked with the Council for Higher Education in a diverse range of community projects.  Among them, she led the 'Age-Friendly City Project', a community project in accordance with the World Health Organization model.

Dr. Isaak has received several grants from The Gartner Institute for Health Policy Research and has been awarded an excellent lecturer recognition by the University of Haifa.

Application Documents:

  • Official transcript of BA degree and copy of undergraduate diploma that includes the date and degree type awarded    
  • Personal Statement (Motivational Letter) -approximately 500 words
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resumé
  • Medical forms

Scholarship Options:

As a diverse University committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we're passionate of doing everything in our power to promote affordable, equal-opportunity, quality higher education, by offering versatile scholarships and funding options. We encourage you to read about these options, choose what suits you best and let us know how we can further help you in this important matter.

Please note that you can apply for a scholarship only after applying to the program.

{לשים כאן קישור לאתר ביה"ס הבינלאומי – מידע על מלגות.}

Thesis writing options:

The MPA program is a non-thesis program. Students who wish to pursue the thesis track must achieve no less than a 90% average after their first semester. Requests will be considered individually, depending on the student's achievements, ability to secure a supervisor, and other factors. The thesis will be submitted within one year of coursework completion, which may require a prolonged stay at the university.